Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday Ladies

Ron Burgandy. As a booster for the sequel to The Anchorman, Ron Burgandy will be sharing the booth with Vic Rauter, Linda Moore and Russ Howard...commentating the first game of the Roar of the Rings (Olympic Pretrials) on Sunday, Dec 1 at 2 pm. I have mixed feelings about an avid curling fan, I hope that he will not make too much of a mockery of such an important event. At the same time, his presence may have people, who normally do  not watch curling, tune in and of those, perhaps get a few to check out the Roaring Game, and that may well be a great thing. I'll be watching with initial trepidation. But there is one thing I have NO reservations about is the Tuesday ladies League.

Beth Laderoute vs Liz Rouselle. WIN for Rouselle.

Annie Austin vs Deanna Roberts. WIN for Roberts.

Joanna Hammond vs Lucy Ann Trudeau. WIN for Hammond.

Marty Mitchell vs Chantal MacLeod. WIN for Mitchell.

Anita Moran vs Jamie Ellmore. WIN for Moran

Vola Roberts vs Christie Hagger. WIN for Hagger.

FEATURE GAME: Vola Roberts vs Christie Hagger. This was a great game for both squads. Like any typical well-played game, this one went back and forth and was settled only in the last end. Vola Roberts was a late entry in the ladies league and she put together a squad of new and newer curlers. But despite this, this team is gelling and they are gaining momentum. Although down three in the last, these ladies rallied by putting some guards in play and on Kirby Horton's second stone, they attempted to come around the guards and set up some points. Unfortunately, the draw was heavy and mathematically, the game was over. But, regardless of this, the Roberts rink have demonstrated that they have it in them and I have no doubt that they will be right there in the mix before long.

BIG SURPRISE:  Kirby Horton. I have not seen Kirby in the leagues until this year. Kirby is a newer curler but despite the fact that she has not played regular curling (at least for a very long time), this young lady has great style. She can throw the heaters accurately and before long, she is going to be a tough vice to have to curl against. Great start!

STILL LOVIN' THE GAME: Akeshia Trudeau. Akeshia Trudeau plays in two leagues at the BRCC...the Tuesday Ladies and the Wednesday Open 8 Ender. After a great run in the juniors, she was off to school for a while but is now back and not surprisingly, has found her way back to the club. Akeshia is a solid player and she would be formidable if she played more. There is still more competitive curling in her future.

HUGE STRIDES AHEAD: Heather Roberts. I was watching part of the Deanna Roberts / Annie Austin game last night and I noticed Heather making a few shots during this game. Heather has a nice, straight slide and she has no trouble hitting the broom...and consequently makes alot of shots for her skipper. Playing in two leagues has helped Heather enhance her game and it really shows. Terrific results for such a pleasant lady. Great job Heather.

EMBRACING THE HELM: Annie Austin. My beloved wife and pal Annie is full time at the helm for the second year. With a knee problem, Annie uses a stick and throws lead stones but calls the game. Watching her game last night, I could not help but notice how far her strategy game has come. Her choice of shots when considering who had last rock as well as her squad's position on the score board really demonstrated how far her understanding of the game from a skip's perspective has come. With all the games she is getting under her belt (and perhaps her enduring of my TV curling rants), she has a solid plan when she is in a game situation. Great job Annie!

GREAT CURLING ADVOCATE: Vola Roberts. Like I said earlier, Vola has some new players on her crew this year. This is what every club (and curling in general) needs, members who bring new members to the club and introduce them to curling. Thanks alot Vola...the BRCC (and curling) applaude you!

So that's how it was between the sheets for this Tuesday Ladies night. Last night, we handed around the food bank basket and $100.00 was raised. This was just in one evening with more to come. The BRCC ladies are so generous. But no big surprise there!

Rock On!

The Curling Chronic

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