Monday, November 25, 2013

Thursday Mens

What this article is saying, if it is hard to read: In 1759, the British captured Quebec from the French. There were some Scottish soldiers who used to melt down cannonballs and use them as curling rocks. Who says curling has no interesting history? Curling is an old game and since 1759, it has come a long way. It is now an Olympic sport and the game is at a whole different level. There were no Olympic curlers out last Thursday at the BRCC but, there were plenty of good players and there were definitely lots of good games.

Tod Swan vs Chris Zagar. WIN for Swan.

Ben Lemieux vs Craig Roberts. WIN for Lemieux

Dan Berthelot vs Brian Tonelli. WIN for Berthelot

Dave Mitchell vs Andrew Roberts. WIN for Mitchell

Chris Astles vs Yvon Valiquette. WIN for Valiquette

John Hammond vs Francois Lemieux.  WIN for Lemieux

Tom St Jules vs Keith Rouselle. WIN for Rouselle

Rick Berthelot vs Alain Viel. WIN for Viel

Jim Kendick vs Michel Rivard. WIN for Kendrick

Glen Austin vs Bob Villeneuve.  WIN for Villeneuve

FEATURE GAME: Chris Astles vs Yvon Valiquette. Extremely close game up but in the 8th end, Team Astles needed 2 to tie. By then, the Valiquette squad were in complete defensive mode and were eliminating as many opposing stones as possible. Nonetheless, by the time skips rocks rolled around, there were 3 Valiquette rocks in the house and  Chris Astles had a very difficult double raise tap to get one of his rocks into the house for at least second shot. His rock over curled and wrecked off a front guard. There was no need to throw his last as there was no way to score two points and the game ended there. Regardless of the win or loss, this was a well-played game by both sides and and excellent ending to watch. Chris Astles and his entire team played an great game. Jerry Jensen plays in the vice position and he is an excellent player. Why Jerry has not been scooped up to play Mens Senior Competitive is a mystery. Dave Rainville plays in the second postion and he also makes alot of shots for his skipper. This is no surprise..he has been in the game for alot of years. And in the lead position is Gerard Rainville. an excellent lead in his own right. Gerard is another seasoned veteran and he puts lots of rocks in play to get the end going for his team.

RED BUM AWARDS: Three to give out this week. 1st to Brian Tonelli...tough loss this week. 2nd to Andrew Roberts...when the curling gods are not with you....not to worry guys, happens to everyone...that's curling! And third, as much as it pains me to have to do this, I have to give one to myself. Team Villeneuve gave the Thursday Newfie Bullet a spanking but in our defense, I would like to say that we took it like men!

TIED NO MORE: Team Mitchell. After three consecutive ties (is this a BRCC record?), Team Mitchell posted a win this week. I guess fourth time's a charm!

HAVING AN AWESOME YEAR: Terry Fryer. Terry is no stranger to the BRCC and has played on competitive teams for a while now. This year, Terry has been playing well. In the games that I have watched him play, Terry has made some "humdingers" and either bailed his skip out of a world of hurt or has set up the end! Great job Terry.

ALSO HAVING A GOOD YEAR: Doug Kearns. Our resident legal eagle has been making lots of very nice shots this year. Doug is a fun guy to wither play with or against. This year, I have noticed that Doug is on his game and certainly making a ton of shots to help his team.

UNDEFEATED: The Molson Exers and Team Villeneuve.  The Molson Exers (Team Keith Rouselle) are having a star-studded year. They are absolutely on fire. This might put a target on them but they should receive special mention for the great season they are having thus far. As well, Team Villeneuve is having an excellent year. With Bob away for a portion of the season, Terry Fryer was at the helm so he did his part to help keep the momentum going this season. Great job by all 4 players on both teams.

MADE THE ADJUSTMENT: Tod Swan. With the breakups of the Posties, Tod looked for and found a new squad...Warren Neufeld and Rob Henderson. As far as I know, this is a 3-man crew so if you are looking to play Mens, call Tod. These guys have gelled and are stringing some wins together.

ALWAYS DEALING THE PAIN: Richard Olmstead. Rich loves the game and it shows. He is out there 3 nights a week and he spares whenever asked. He also does alot of maintenance work around the club and is an all around asset to the BRCC. Richard is a member of the current club champion team and often plays in the second position. If you have ever played against Richard, you will have felt the pain that the outcome of his shots inflict.

HUGE IMPROVEMENT: Scotty Smith. Scott Smith has really brought his game full circle. He consistently throws great weight and has become very accurate and focused. Scott is an excellent front end player...and is also a member of the current club champion team.

So that is how the rocks curled this past Thursday Mens. Lots of season left and although this is true, the Men's Closing is now being talked about. That's right, Checks for the Men's Closing are due Dec 1st. Make sure to get your checks in ($240.00). Don't lose your spot!! The BRCC Mens Closing is the premiere event of the season...not to be missed!!

Rock On!

The Curling Chronic

1 comment:

Warren said...

FYI - Peter Stos has been our fourth man since the start of the season; he just didn't get into the schedule!