Monday, January 13, 2014

Stoughton Wins Skins Match

Stoughton wins it all! And an impressive payday of $70,500.00  Not a bad weekends pay for a weekends work!

In Womens' provincial curling, the Scotties field is pretty well set. With the exception of Quebec, all other provinces are settled. It was excellent to see all those games on Sportsnet TV this weekend. They are as follows:

NL: Heather Strong:  Back for her umpteenth time. Hope she does well.

NS: Heather Smith. (Fomerly Heather Smith - Dacey): A great performance expected.

NB: Andrea Crawford (Bunny Eyes): Back for another go at it. I still say this team could be better if they played more on the Grandslam circuit. They need more sponsorship.

PEI: Kim Dolan.  Not her first time. I think she will be in tough.

ONTARIO: Allison Flaxey: Great run in the provincials. First time at the Scotties..I'm interested to see how they perform on arena ice in front of the big crowds.

TEAM CANADA: Rachael Homan: Not having their greatest year but capable of greatness. I expect them to be strong. In fact, I expect to see them in the final.

MANITOBA: Chelsea Carey. Good run in the provincials. They could be a contender.

SASKATCHWAN: Stephanie Lawton. Real solid team. I expect to see them around at the end of the week. Lots of potential to win it all.

ALBERTA: Valerie Sweeting: This team has been awesome this year. This is another strong contender.

BC: Kessa Van Osch: Beat Scott in a nail biter of a final yesterday. This will be their first Scotties so I am interested to see how they will fare. This could a learning curve deal for them but who knows!

TERRITORIES: Sarah Koltun: Ended Kerry Galusha's long time run. Further testimony to the fact that there are more than 1 womens teams playing in the territories!

Rock On!

The Curling Chronic

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