Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday Open 8 Ender

I know what you're thinking. What is Wayne Berthelot doing hanging around with these U S Curling fans? And who gave him the dew rag? Well, that's not him. Wayne is a Canadian curling fan and I'm sure his dew rag (if one exists) would have a maple leaf on it. Wayne curls in the Thursday Mens with Team Valiquette, a veteran team around the BRCC.

There were other veteran teams out this past Wednesday in the Open 8 Ender.

Ice A: Glen Austin vs Vola Roberts. WIN for Austin. The Roberts crew took a bit of a slip and a slide and ended up in second place in this match up. However, the lead on Team Roberts, Martin Aube, played an excellent game and made an awful lot of shots. He was making draws and take outs with equal enthusiasm. It was quite impressive to see the improvement in Martin. Real solid performance. He wins the "Shooting Star" Award.

Ice B: Hayley Horton vs Tom St Jules. TIE GAME. The Bantam girls put on another excellent display of curling and keep Big Daddy and his crew chasing them for the whole game. The Horton squad wins the "Feel The Horton Heat" Award. Great job ladies.

Ice D: Ryan Hagger vs Al Viel. TIE GAME. This was another good game with lots of rocks in play. Nice to see John Topash on the mend and back to sliding. He wins the "Stretchin' It Out" Award.

So, just 3 out of 4 games played this Wednesday. I expect all the sheets will be full next week. A word about the ice. It's great. There's curl and the speed is good. Thanks alot to the ice guys who have been trying different things to make it work and their efforts are paying off (and appreciated). I played a game on Ice A last night and the speed was great and the curl was exceptional. I was seeing in some paths 4 - 4.5 feet of curl. Awesome! And don't forget, this is on an outside sheet in a half a sewer pipe. These guys deserve KUDOs for a great job and great effort. Thanks alot guys.

Rock On!

The Curling Chronic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Horton Team played an awesome games! Great girls with great spirit!