Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Thursday Mens

I know what you're thinking. Did Dan Horton gain some weight? And who are his new friends? Well, that's not him. Dan prefers curling and would not be caught cross dressing and frolicking in the snow. Dan plays second for the Robb Road Express. This veteran crew is having a pretty good season thus far. And as I type this, the Mitchell crew remains undefeated. Only two more games to the Christmas break. Lots of teams near the top of the leader board but the question remains, who will hand the red hot Mitchell crew their first loss?

Ice C (Monday): Dan Berthelot vs Jim Kendrick. WIN for Berthelot. The Berthelot squad has suffered a few losses this first half but are a solid team and now that the busy fall season is over, these guys will be focused and ready to knock off some opponents. They win the "Mentally Adjusted" Award.

Ice B (Tuesday): Glen Austin vs Mike Laderoute. WIN for Austin. The Thursday Newfie Bullet still motoring ahead...looking on the horizon for the Robb Road Express. No sign yet...sometime after Christmas. We win the "There's Only Room On The Tracks For 1 Of Us" Award.

Ice C: Dave Mitchell vs Bob Villeneuve. WIN for Mitchell. The Mitchell crew continues to hold the top spot. Great run by this team of veteran players. They win the "It's Surreal" Award.

Ice A (Thursday): Rick Rouselle vs Chris Astles. WIN for Rouselle. The Rouselle picks it up right away after suffering their first loss last week. They win the "Weebles" Award because Weebles Wobble But They Don't Fall Down.

Ice B: Brian Tonelli vs Keith Rouselle. WIN for Rouselle. The Molson Exers post another win and manage to hold thier own on the leader board. They win the "Treading Water" Award but this is the new and improved Molson Exers so they can get on a roll anytime.

Ice C: Al Viel vs Michel Rivard. WIN for Viel. The Viel rink continues a very solid start to the season. They win the "Makin' Our Move" Award.

Ice D: Jeff Mitchell vs Ryan Hagger. WIN for Hagger. The Hagger rink is starting to string some wins together and they are showing promise to have a good second half. Don't be surprised to see them hovering near the top of the leader board after the break. They win the "Savin' The Best For Last" Award.

Ice A: Yvon Valiquette vs Craig Roberts. WIN for Valiquette.  The Valiquette squad is looking to get on a roll. After a slow start, some wins are due and certainly within this crew's abilities. They win the "Hopin' This Is It" Award.

Ice B: Chris Zagar vs Francois Lemieux. WIN for Lemieux. The Zagar rink continue to play better games and are still staying focused. They win the "Never Say Never" Award.

Ice C: Brian West vs Ben Lemieux. WIN for West. The Robb Road Express were on an excellent roll this season. This team is no stranger to the top end of the leader board and this is where they find themselves in spite of this loss. This is good news compared to the tough start they had last season. They win the "Back Where We Need To Be" Award.

Ice D: Rick Berthelot vs John Hammond. WIN for Berthelot. The Hammond rink has had a tough start this year compared to the awesome run they had last year. But this team has undergone some changes and is now joined by Terry MacDonald. They win the "Findin' Our Way back" Award.

So that's how it played out for this past Thursday. Have you signed up for the Boxing Day Spiel yet? Get your team in there asap and prepare for a fun day and night.

Rock On!

The Curling Chronic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, given everyone in the club is so anxious to play and beat the Valiquette squad, we've decided to let less skilled teams beat us to give them a little hope and happiness. Merry Christmas everyone.