Friday, November 02, 2012


In an earlier post (which I have since deleted), I made comment about the ice. In retrospect, this post may have undermined and offended some volunteers that have been working on the ice since the beginning of the season (although this was certainly not my intention). The two people that I am referring to are Ron Forrest and Michel Rivard, although there may be others and if so, you are included in this.

These people are volunteers at the BRCC and as we all know, volunteers are paramount to the success of the club. Indeed, their time and efforts should be applauded as their time is just as important as anyone else's that have been helping out at the club.

Further, the unity of all the members and in particular the volunteers is the very thing that makes the volunteer initiative successful so we should be all working together to achieve our goals. AND, the purpose of this blog is to be fun for ALL readers and should not be intended as a forum for the inner politics of the club. In this way, I am remiss and I do owe these guys an apology.

The fact of the matter is that our present ice-makers are intent on making good (fast) curling ice and we should, perhaps work as a collective and it is my feeling that we will achieve this goal. In the end, we all want to curl on good ice as do the ice guys since they are curlers themselves.

So, sorry guys.

Rock On!

The Curling Chronic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put Glen. Maintaining ice is a big job and most of us don't have the time or expertise.
Last night's ice was much quicker but we still have a few runs to work out.
let's all work together to keep our club as one of the best in the province!!
Bob V.